Strengthening social cohesion through the Manyanda tradition in Minangkabau customary society: A cultural insight from West Sumatera, Indonesia

Susi Fitria Dewi, Rizki Syafril, Mira Hasti Hasmira, Yusnanik Bakhtiar, Kahirol Mohd Salleh, Febri Yulika, Evelynd Evelynd, Nor Lisa Sulaiman

Article ID: 9344
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024



Manyanda tradition, a tradition of taking over social roles after death, in addition to successfully maintaining social continuity in the family structure, is also a potential capital in strengthening social cohesion. However, this context has not been discussed comprehensively in previous studies so it is very important to explain. In addition to responding to the shortcomings of previous studies, this study also aims to explain the mechanisms, factors and implications of the practice of this tradition as a reflection of social cohesion based on customary and religious values. By using a qualitative descriptive case study approach, this study shows three important findings. First, the spontaneity of the community and traditional leaders when hearing the news of death and social activities forty days afterwards. Second, the dominance of spiritual and cultural factors in addition to social and structural factors that encourage the community to preserve this tradition. Third, the Manyanda tradition has implications for strengthening the community’s commitment and belief in the meaning of death, the importance of a replacement figure who takes over social roles and strengthens the tribal identity of the Nagari (local village) community. This study recommends the importance of this tradition to be preserved as the root of social cohesion.


social cohesion; Manyanda; post-death tradition; Minangkabau indigenous society; case study

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