Impacts of built environment satisfaction on self-rated health outcomes in new-type village communities: A case study of Shanghai outskirts

Shuchen Zhang, Xiu Yang, Xinhu Li, Xuechen Gui, Chaofan Wang

Article ID: 9323
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024


The existing studies on the association between the built environment and health mainly concentrates on urban areas, while rural communities in China have a huge demand for a healthy built environment, and research in this area remains insufficient. There is a lack of research on the health impact of the built environment in rural communities in China, where there is a significant demand for advancements in the healthy built environment. Exploring the Influence of built environment satisfaction on self-rated health outcomes in New-type village communities has positive significance for advancing research on healthy village community. This paper selects four new-type village communities as typical cases, which are located in the far suburbs of Shanghai, China. A questionnaire survey was conducted on individual villagers, and 223 valid questionnaire samples were obtained. A PLS-SEM model was developed using survey data to examine how built environment satisfaction influences dwellers’ self-rated health while taking into account the mediating function of the perceived social environment. Moreover, multi-group analysis was performed based on age. The results show that built environment satisfaction indirectly influences residents self-rated health through its impact on perceived social environment. The research also discovered that the relationship between built environment satisfaction, social environment satisfaction and self-rated health is not influenced by age as a moderating factor. The research offers new insights for the planning and design of new-type village community from a health perspective.


new-type village community; built environment satisfaction; social environment satisfaction; self-rated health; PLS-SEM model

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