Mothernomics: Enhancing maternal workforce participation and socioeconomic sustainability in a developing country

Rattaphong Sonsuphap, Tanpat Kraiwanit, Veraphong Chutipat, Itsaree Phaksipaeng, Amonrat Sabuysuk, Sutthiporn Chinnapha

Article ID: 9292
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024



Mothernomics’ explores the role of maternal workforce participation in sustaining economic growth and social cohesion within the Thai context. This study integrates a mixed-method approach, employing logistic regression analysis to evaluate the relationship between key factors such as age, income, education, and occupation, and their impact on maternal workforce participation. Findings from regression analysis suggest that these variables significantly shape the socio-economic outcomes for mothers, underscoring the importance of supportive family-friendly policies. These results highlight the significance of promoting gender equality, enhanced child care, and tailored state interventions to boost maternal employment and societal stability. Qualitative results revealed that the economics of motherhood in Thailand presents challenges like high childcare costs and limited family support, reducing women’s workforce participation. Traditional gender roles and a low birth rate worsen the issue, highlighting the need for policy reforms to support working parents and address economic inequalities.


mothernomics; motherhood; workforce dynamics; economic productivity; social security

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