Consumers’ green attitude and behavior in China and Singapore: The role of altruistic value and perceived consumer effectiveness, economic motive
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024
Consumers’ interest in green consumption has increased rapidly in recent years with heightening concerns for environmental, social, and health risks. However, increased concerns and interest of consumers may not translate to their behavioral outcome which may be attributed to socio-economic and consumers’ internal stimuli. Furthermore, contextual differences in the marketplace may influence how consumers form their green attitudes and behavior. The purpose of this study is to assess the role of consumers’ intrinsic traits such as consumers’ personal values, their self-motivation for sustainable consumption (i.e., perceived consumer effectiveness), green skepticism, and environmental involvement in their green attitude and behavior, and to see if the country-specific contextual condition may influence consumers’ behavior. In addition, price sensitivity and environmental protection emotions are considered moderating constructs to explain the gap between green attitude and green behavior. Findings from this study provide insights into understanding Chinese and Singaporean consumers’ green behavior which is driven by their intrinsic traits and by extrinsic conditions. This understanding can help companies to develop effective green marketing communication strategies and to enhance consumer engagement in sustainable activities and consumption.
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