Self-directed professional development: An algorithmic and activity-based model for teachers
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024
This study aims to examine the impact of an innovative self-directed professional development (SDPD) model on fostering teachers’ professional development and improving their ability to manage this development independently. A quantitative research method was adopted, involving 60 participants from Almaty State Humanitarian and Pedagogical College No. 2, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to assess the SDPD model’s effectiveness, specifically in promoting teacher engagement, adoption of new pedagogical techniques, and improvement in reflective practices. The study findings reveal that teachers, particularly in developing regions, often face challenges in accessing formal professional development programs. The implementation of the SDPD model addresses these barriers by providing teachers with the tools and strategies required for self-improvement, regardless of geographic or economic constraints. The study participants in the pilot phase showed increased engagement with new pedagogical methods, improved reflective practices, and greater adaptability to emerging educational technologies. The algorithmic aspect of the model streamlined the professional development process, while the activity-based approach ensured that learning remained practical and relevant to teachers’ everyday needs. By offering a clear framework for continuous improvement, the model addresses the gaps in formal training access and cultivates a culture of lifelong learning. These findings suggest that the SDPD model can contribute to elevating teaching standards globally, particularly in regions with limited professional development resources.
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