Does China’s stock market volatility affect agricultural loan market volatility?
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024
This study uses a Time-Varying Parameter Stochastic Volatility Vector Autoregression (TVP-SV-VAR) model to conduct an empirical analysis of the dynamic effects of China’s stock market volatility on the agricultural loan market and its channels. The results show that the relationship between stock market and agricultural loan market volatility is time varying and is always positive. The investor sentiment is a major conduit through which the effect takes place. This time-varying effect and transmission mechanism are most apparent between 2011 and 2017 and have since waned and stabilized. These have significant implications for the stable and orderly development of the agricultural loan market, highlighting the importance of the sound financial market system and timely policy, better market monitoring and early warning system and the formation of a mature and sound agricultural credit mechanism.
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