From the tam model to the acceptance of using the flipped classroom in teaching at primary schools: A case study in Vietnam

Tran Van Hung, Ngo Kim Quyen, Nguyen Thi Bich Tram, Nguyen Thi Hoai Thom, Dang Thi Phuong Thao

Article ID: 9213
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024



The flipped classroom (FC) model has long brought significant benefits to higher education, secondary, and elementary education, particularly in improving the quality and effectiveness of learning. However, the implementation of FC model to support elementary students in developing self-learning skills (autonomous learning, independent study, self-directed learning) through technology still faces numerous challenges in Vietnam due to various influencing factors. Data for the study were collected through direct questionnaires and online surveys from 517 teachers at elementary schools in Da Nang, Vietnam. Based on SEM analysis, the study identified factors such as perceived usefulness, accessibility, desire, teaching style, and facilitating conditions. The research findings indicate that factors like the perceived effectiveness of the model, teaching style, and facilitating conditions have a positive correlation with the decision to adopt the FC model. Therefore, to encourage the use of the FC model in teaching, it is essential to raise awareness of the model’s effectiveness, improve teaching styles, and create favorable conditions for implementation.


the flipped classroom model; influence of factors; elementary education; intention to use

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