Beyond tokenism: The substantive impact of women directors on competitive dimensions
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024
VIEWS - 36 (Abstract) 46 (PDF)
In this study, the author investigates the evolving role of women in corporate boardrooms historically dominated by men, aiming to discern whether their inclusion merely serves as symbolic representation or carries substantive impact. Using a narrative literature review methodology, the author meticulously examines the historical impediments women faced in leadership positions. The findings suggest that deep-seated societal biases, rather than a lack of capability, traditionally constrained women’s leadership trajectories. While some studies suggest that corporations with genuine gender diversity in leadership may outperform in financial outcomes and innovation, this advantage is not consistently observed across all contexts and industries, necessitating a cautious interpretation of these mixed and context-dependent findings. The study argues that women’s inclusion in boardrooms is a strategic imperative for modern corporations striving for resilience, adaptability, and sustained growth in an intricate global landscape, yet also recommends further research to fully understand the broader impacts of such diversity. Furthermore, the study offers practical strategies for enhancing gender diversity in corporate leadership.
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