Enhancing employee well-being through prosocial rule-breaking: Insights from the hospitality sector

Nosheen Rafi, Khalid Kamal Alharbi, Masood Kalyar, Muddassar Bilal, Denisa Bogdana Abrudan

Article ID: 9153
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024



This study explores relationships of prosocial rule-breaking (PSRB) on employee well-being in the hospitality industry. The study integrates the dynamics such as employee engagement as a mediator, emotional intelligence, and job autonomy as moderating variables. It offers insights into complex dynamics shaping employee behavior and well-being of hospitality industry. The data was collected through structured questionnaire form hospitality sector. The results showed significant positive relations between PSRB, employee engagement, and well-being. Emotional intelligence appeared as a moderator, escalating the relationship between PSRB and employee engagement. Job autonomy also escalating the relationship as moderator between employee engagement and well-being.


hospitality; prosocial rule-breaking (PSRB); employee wellbeing; job autonomy

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd9153


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