The role of motivation and knowledge in promoting green consumer behavior in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan

Ammar Alawadh, Nosheen Rafi, Masood Nawaz Kalyar, Denisa Bogdana Abrudan

Article ID: 9152
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024



This research explores the factors influencing consumers’ intentions and behaviors toward purchasing green products in two culturally and economically distinct countries, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Drawing on Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), the study examines the roles of altruistic and egoistic motivations, alongside environmental knowledge, in shaping green consumer behavior. Altruistic motivation, driven by concern for societal well-being and environmental sustainability, is found to have a stronger impact on green purchase intention and behavior in both countries, particularly in Pakistan. Egoistic motivation, which focuses on personal benefits like health and cost savings, also contributes but with a lesser influence. The research employs a cross-sectional survey design, collecting data from 1000 respondents (500 from each country) using a stratified random sampling technique. The collected data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) to examine the relationships between variables and test the moderating effects of environmental knowledge. The results reveal that environmental knowledge significantly moderates the effect of both altruistic and egoistic motivations on green purchase intention, enhancing the likelihood of eco-friendly consumption. These findings underscore the importance of environmental education in promoting sustainable consumer behavior. The originality of this study lies in its comparative analysis of green consumerism in two distinct contexts and its exploration of motivational factors through the TPB framework. Practical implications suggest that policymakers and marketers can develop strategies that appeal to both altruistic and egoistic drivers while enhancing consumer knowledge of environmental issues. The study contributes to the literature by expanding TPB to include the moderating role of environmental knowledge in understanding green consumption behavior across diverse cultures.


green consumerism; altruistic motivation; egoistic motivation; environmental knowledge; theory of planned behavior (TPB)

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