Corporate executive portfolio and green innovation: Same-sex repulsion or opposite-sex attraction?

Xinyue Cao, Hongwei Ma, Lixia Wang

Article ID: 9144
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


Enterprise green innovation drives sustainable development and contributes to the realization of a ‘beautiful China’. It enhances resource utilization, reduces energy consumption, and achieves economic-environmental objectives through technological advancements. This paper examines the impact of the gender composition of a company’s CEO and CFO on green innovation by empirical research method using the data of the firms listed on Chinese capital market from 2015 to 2022. Our findings indicate that: (1) Male CEOs and CFOs are more likely to promote green innovation compared to their female counterparts; (2) Leadership teams comprising opposite-sex pairs tend to weaken the promotion of green innovation. These conclusions are consistent across state-owned enterprises and within the manufacturing sector. This study provides a novel perspective on enterprise green innovation, offering insights for companies regarding their green innovation strategies and for policymakers in shaping relevant policies.


CEO; CFO; gender heterogeneity; green innovation

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