Climate change dynamics in Tunisian agriculture: A rigorous examination of impact, adaptation, and resilience
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024
This study systemically examines the numerous impacts of climate change on agriculture in Tunisia. In this study, we establish an empirical and comprehensive methodology to assess the effects of climate changes on Tunisian agriculture by investigating current climatic patterns using crop yields and socioeconomic variables. The study also assesses the types of adaptation strategies agriculture uses in Tunisia and explores their effectiveness in coping with climate-related adversities. We also consider some resilience factors, namely the ecological aspect and economic and social camouflage pursued by the (very) men in Tunisian agriculture. We also extensively discuss the complex interconnected relationship between policy interventions and community-based adaptations, a crucial part of the ongoing debate on climate change adaptation and resilience in agriculture. The findings of this study contribute to this important conversation, particularly for areas facing similar challenges.
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