Hybrid lean practices with industrial revolution 4.0 for sustainability in South African higher education institutions: Preliminary approach

Muslim Diekola Akanmu, Ahmed Cassim Bawa

Article ID: 9135
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024


Institutions of higher learning are crucial to sustainability. They play a crucial role in preparing the next generation of leaders who will successfully execute the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nation. This research therefore intends to present a preliminary conceptual approach in examining how industrial revolution 4.0 (I.R. 4.0) technologies, and lean practices affect sustainability in South Africa’s Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The study shall employ survey questionnaire to collect data from the employees of the institutions. This preliminary study reveals that hybrid IR 4.0 technologies and lean practices as enablers of sustainability has not gained enough attention in the HEIs. Existing literature show the important role plays by performance variance of lean practices to improve sustainable performance when deployed from industry to education sector. The report validates the HEI’s future course, which has been incorporating new technology into its services processes recently. Using the created items, researchers may utilize empirical analysis to look into the combined effects of lean practices and IR 4.0 technologies on sustainability in HEIs. The following conclusions may be drawn: HEIs are essential for the application of sustainability principles; curriculum focused on sustainability and culture change are critical for attitude development; and the political climate and stakeholder interests impact the implementation of sustainability.


I.R. 4.0 technologies; lean practices; six sigma practices; sustainability

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd9135


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