Sustainable fishery and management of Batur Lake based on ecosystem approach, Bali

Siswanta Kaban, Yoga Candra Ditya, Safran Makmur, Makri Makri, Dian Pamularsih Anggraeni, Khoirul Fatah, Samuel Samuel, Sonny Koeshendrajana, Donny Armanto, M. Edi Armanto, Made Ayu Pratiwi

Article ID: 9112
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024


Lake Batur is one of the national priorities, as it has economic value, and fish resources are used for food security and improving the local people’s welfare. The study examined the applicability of fisheries management status based on the ecosystem approach in lakes. The study was carried out from February to July 2023 using ecosystem approach methods in seven villages around Batur Lake, Bali, Indonesia, Data was collected through observations and interviews with 189 respondents. The success of fisheries management might be shown as a flag model after the composite domain and the total aggregate value of all dominants were rated. The results showed that the managed fish resources and stakeholders were unsatisfactory categories. Generally, social and fishing technology domains were classified as good categories. For that, ecosystem approach applications for sustainable fisheries in Batur Lake needed action under the five common scenario goals (a) reducing non-target fish (red devil) in the lakes by intensive capture and processing into other products of economic value; (b) regulations related to the reserve area as a place for fish to spawn and breed; (c) increasing the synergy of fisheries management policies; (d) increasing the stakeholder capacity; and (e) government support and related stakeholders regarding one regulation for fisheries management.


Batur Lake; ecosystem; management lake; status condition; sustainable fishery

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