Organizational learning and boundary spanners’ agility in the financial inclusion in Indonesia

Haru Koesmahargyo, Sari Wahyuni, Dony Abdul Chalid

Article ID: 9060
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024



This study examines the influence of organizational learning and boundary spanner agility in the bank agent business of Indonesia’s financial inclusion. This study is based on quantitative studies of 325 bank agents in Indonesia. The results of this research strongly show that organizational learning has a significant impact on boundary spanners’ agility to achieve both financial and non-financial performance. This study presents a novel finding that organization learning with a commitment to apply and encourage learning activities and agility with improved responsiveness and resilience boundary spanners can achieve bank agent performance. Organizational learning of bank agents needs to improve commitment to apply and encourage learning activities, always be open to new ideas, and create shared vision and knowledge transfer mechanisms. Organizational agility in bank agents need also to improve the capability to be more responsive and adaptable to culture changes in a volatile environment. This research provides valuable insights to policymakers, banking supervisors, bank top management teams, and researchers on the factors that may improve the effectiveness of the agency banking business to promote financial inclusion. Participating banks in the agent banking business need to set a clear vision, scope, and priority of strategy to encourage organizational learning and agility.


strategic direction; organizational learning; boundary spanners agility; financial inclusion; agent banking and performance

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