Panel regression of industrial sustainability indicators: Two-step system GMM to robust estimation

Wachira Boonyanet, Kittisak Jangphanish, Supa Tongkong

Article ID: 9035
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024


This study aims to scrutinize specific long-term sustainability industrial indicators in Thailand as a representative of an emerging economy. The study uses a Bloomberg database comprising all Thai listed companies on the Stock Exchange of Thailand from 2013 to 2023. The research employs a two-step Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) statistics to assess the enduring impact on industrial sustainability. These results provide consistent, significant and positive relationships between asset turnover and sales with all industrial sustainability. The results additionally reveal that some other factors may moderate industrial sustainability but reveal the GDP growth rate and institutional shareholders are less likely to be corporate sustainability to all indicators. The results provide insight into valuable guidance to management teams, financial statements’ users, investors and other stakeholders on designing effective operations and investment strategies to improve sustainability.


sustainability; GMM estimation; financial reporting; Thailand

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