Reexamining metaverse with quantative scientometric approach

Xinyu Jin, Shunan Zhang, ShaoPeng Che, Dongyan Nan, Xiangying Zhao, Jang Hyun Kim

Article ID: 8984
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024


In recent years, the rapid development of technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality, along with the significant increase in publications related to the Metaverse, demonstrates a sustained growth in interest in this field. Some scholars have already performed bibliometric analyses of this emerging field. However, previous analyses have not been comprehensive due to limitations such as the volume of literature, particularly lacking in co-citation analysis, which is crucial for understanding the interconnectedness and impact of research works. In this study, we used the Web of Science as a database to search for topics related to the Metaverse from 1995 to 2023. Subsequently, we employed CiteSpace for co-citation network analysis to supplement previous research. Through our analysis at the journal, author, and literature levels, we identified core journals and key authors in the Metaverse field. We discovered that Extended Reality (XR), education, user privacy, and terminologies related to the Metaverse are significant research themes within the field. This study provides clear and actionable research directions for future papers in the Metaverse field.


metaverse; co-citation analysis; CiteSpace; web of science (WOS); cluster analysis

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