Measurement of government performance in literature review

Ivana Nina Esterlin Barus, Ali Djamhuri

Article ID: 8964
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024


Government performance means the results of government work. Its use is to evaluate government accountability, decision-making, efficiency, effectiveness, transparency, and achievement of goals. Purpose: This paper aims to explore the understanding of performance measurement tools commonly used in government, the reasons for using them, and the implementation of performance measurement in Indonesia. Method: This study uses a meta-synthesis method, an integrative review approach from 2000–2021, in the Scopus database using the keywords measurement system, performance measurement, performance measurement government, measurement system government. Results and Discussion: The final sample consisted of 23 studies, and the results showed that the most commonly used performance measurement was the balanced scorecard. This is because the balanced scorecard is able to explain the vision, mission, strategy, results, and operational actions, so that it can achieve local government goals. Research implications: Insight into government performance measurement can be used to determine the strengths and weaknesses of various performance measurement tools so that the government can implement performance measurement tools that are more appropriate for its government. Originality/Value: This study offers an adaptation of existing methods to measure government performance more effectively. In addition, this study focuses on the context of developing countries, which can provide new contributions to the literature.


performance measurement; public sector; new public management; balanced scorecard

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