Impact of the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) infrastructure on the returns to higher education in Mexico: A gender analysis

Marco Antonio Austria-Carlos, Nora Gavira-Durón, Francisco Venegas-Martínez

Article ID: 8958
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024


This paper aims to analyze the impact of access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) on the private returns to higher education (HE) focusing on gender inequality in 2020. Methodology: To evaluate the above impact a set of Mincerian equations will be estimated. The proposed approach mitigates biases associated with self-selection and individual heterogeneity. Data: The database comes from the National Household Income and Expenditure Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de los Hogares, ENIGH) from 2020. Results: Empirical evidence suggests that individuals that have HE have a positive and greater impact on their salary income compared to those with a lower educational level, being women that do not have access to ICT those with the lowest wage return. Policy: Access to ICT should be considered as one of the criteria that integrate social deprivation in the measurement of multidimensional poverty. Likewise, it is necessary to design public policies that promote the strengthening and creation of educational and/or training systems in technological matters for women. Limitations: No distinction was made between individuals that graduated from public or private schools, nor was income from sources other than work considered. Originality: This investigation evaluates the impact of access to ICT on the returns to higher education in Mexico, in 2020, addressing gender disparity.


returns to higher education; information and communication technologies; gender

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