Pioneering excellence: How women’s transformative leadership drives business excellence, and financial sustainability

Rsha Algahfes, Nisa Vinodkumar, Sulphey Manakkattil Mohammedismail

Article ID: 8943
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024



This study delves into the dynamic realm of women’s transformative leadership and its influence on the business excellence and financial sustainability of the Development and Consulting Services Institute DCSI at Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University PNU, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Focusing on six strategic business excellence factors: Governance and Policies, Digital Transformation, Human Capital, Project Attraction and Management, Houses of Expertise, and Corporate Social Responsibility CSR, the research aims to explain the positive impact of women’s transformative leadership on these critical dimensions. Data was primarily obtained through an exhaustive review of their achievement, annual reports, and thorough document analysis. Additionally, interviews were conducted with the Institute’s Dean and her team to corroborate and delve deeper into the information gathered from secondary data resources. Employing the Data-Driven VRIO (Value, Rarity, Imitability, and Organization) Framework, the study highlights the Institute’s core competencies and competitive advantages, offering insights into how these factors contribute to its long-term business sustainability. The study reveals a positive correlation between women’s transformative leadership and enhanced business excellence and financial sustainability. This research contributes valuable insights to the ongoing dialogue on leadership dynamics, emphasizing women’s pivotal role in leading institutions toward success and offering a fresh perspective on women leadership in a distinct context.


transformative leadership; business excellence; financial sustainability; strategic excellence factors; VRIO framework

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