Deep learning-based intraoperative guidance system for anatomical identification in laparoscopic surgery: A review
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024
The power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) combined with the surgeons’ expertise leads to breakthroughs in surgical care, bringing new hope to patients. Utilizing deep learning-based computer vision techniques in surgical procedures will enhance the healthcare industry. Laparoscopic surgery holds excellent potential for computer vision due to the abundance of real-time laparoscopic recordings captured by digital cameras containing significant unexplored information. Furthermore, with computing power resources becoming increasingly accessible and Machine Learning methods expanding across various industries, the potential for AI in healthcare is vast. There are several objectives of AI’s contribution to laparoscopic surgery; one is an image guidance system to identify anatomical structures in real-time. However, few studies are concerned with intraoperative anatomy recognition in laparoscopic surgery. This study provides a comprehensive review of the current state-of-the-art semantic segmentation techniques, which can guide surgeons during laparoscopic procedures by identifying specific anatomical structures for dissection or avoiding hazardous areas. This review aims to enhance research in AI for surgery to guide innovations towards more successful experiments that can be applied in real-world clinical settings. This AI contribution could revolutionize the field of laparoscopic surgery and improve patient outcomes.
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