Food vulnerability index for the development of the Mazahua community in the state of Mexico

Ernest Yasser Núñez Betancourt, Martin Hernández Juárez, Carlos Ernesto Luquez Gaitan, Emmanuel Montero Monsalvo

Article ID: 8885
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024



The native peoples of the State of Mexico, especially the Mazahua community, present a high degree of marginality and food vulnerability, causing their inhabitants to be classified within the poor and extremely poor population. The objective of the research is to propose a food vulnerability index for the Mazahua community of the State of Mexico through the induction-deduction method, contrasting the existing literature with a semi-structured exploratory interview to identify the main factors that affect the native peoples. The study population was selected taking into account the number of inhabitants and poverty levels. The sources of information, in addition to documentary sources, were key informants and visits to Mazahua families that facilitated information about the different variables: natural, economic, social, cultural component, degree of adaptability and resilience for the creation and better understanding of the food vulnerability index in the communities under study.


extreme poverty; marginality; food security; native peoples

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