Exploring the impact of quality of life on happiness among female healthcare professionals: The moderating roles of family and education

Rasha Bokhari, Afroze Nazneen, Sayeeduzzafar Qazi, Pretty Bhalla

Article ID: 8884
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

VIEWS - 49 (Abstract) 12 (PDF)


Purpose: This study explores the impact of quality of life (QoL) on the happiness of female healthcare professionals, focusing on the moderating roles of family dynamics and education. Method: A descriptive and exploratory design was used with data from 503 female healthcare professionals. Various quantitative analyses, including regression and correlation, were conducted using SPSS and AMOS. Findings: The study found a positive relationship between QoL and happiness. Family dynamics and education significantly moderated this relationship, highlighting the influence of these factors on happiness levels. Implications: The research offers insights into the well-being of female healthcare professionals and calls for policies that support QoL through flexible work arrangements and wellness programs, considering diverse family structures and educational backgrounds. Originality: This study provides a focused analysis of the role of family and education in shaping the relationship between QoL and happiness for female healthcare professionals.


quality of life (QoL); happiness; female healthcare professional’s well-being; occupation; family dynamics; female healthcare professional

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i11.8884


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