Criteria determining sustainability management in the construction sector

Aracelly Buitrago Mejía, Mario Samuel Rodríguez Barrero, Gustavo Adolfo Rubio-Rodríguez, Patricia Izquierdo Hernández, Ramiro Quintero García

Article ID: 8871
Vol 9, Issue 2, 2025


It is important for society to know the actions implemented by companies in the construction sector to reduce the environmental pollution generated by this industry and to contribute to the solution of economic and social problems in their environment; however, the variables that allow identifying their contributions and impacts are not known. Based on this problem, the study focuses on identifying the factors that influence sustainability management within the construction sector in Colombia. The research presents a predictive approach and uses a quantitative methodology, applying statistical modeling techniques. The sample corresponds to 84 Colombian companies. As a result, a system of equations of the form y=mx+b is presented to describe the deviation of the environmental, economic, social, compensation measures, management, indicators and sustainability reports. The analysis of the intersections constitutes a projective tool to evaluate the relationships and balance points between the dimensions analyzed, helping to identify strengths and opportunities for improvement.


sustainable development; sustainability management; construction industry; sustainability reports

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