Comparative analysis of infrastructure and resources for inclusive education: Ecuador and international perspectives

Richar Jacobo Posso-Pacheco, Víctor-Gustavo Gómez-Rodríguez, Noemi-Bárbara Delgado-Álvarez, Rosangela Caicedo-Quiroz, Giceya Maqueira-Caraballo, Laura Cristina Barba-Miranda

Article ID: 8866
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024


Ecuador acknowledges the need to improve infrastructure and resources for educational inclusion, but it faces challenges in effective implementation compared to developed countries that have made advancements in this area. The objective of this research was to map the regulations and practices related to the implementation of inclusive infrastructure and educational resources at the international level, identifying knowledge gaps and opportunities for adaptation in Ecuador. An exploratory theoretical review was conducted following PRISMA-ScR guidelines, using searches in academic databases and official documents. Qualitative and regulatory studies from the United States, Finland, Canada, and Japan were selected, analyzing 16 scientific articles and 11 official documents. The results reveal that Ecuador faces challenges in the implementation of inclusive regulations, particularly in infrastructure and resources, highlighting the need to establish national accessibility standards, invest in assistive technologies, and offer continuous teacher training to enhance educational inclusion. The research uncovered a negative cycle where the lack of effective implementation of inclusive regulations perpetuates inequality and reinforces institutional inertia. For successful reform, the regulatory structure, resource management, and educational culture in Ecuador must be addressed simultaneously.


inclusive education; school infrastructure; educational policies; international comparison; educational resources

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