Adaptation climate change through application of green infrastructure household scale rainwater harvesting in tropical coastal areas based fuzzy logic

Imam Suprayogi, Manyuk Fauzi, Nurdin Nurdin, Fakhri Fakhri, Dian Yustika Putri Utami, Yenita Morena, Safridatul Audah, Ermiyati Ermiyati, Mubarak Mubarak

Article ID: 8754
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

VIEWS - 20 (Abstract) 8 (PDF)


Freshwater problems in coastal areas include the process of salt intrusion which occurs due to decreasing groundwater levels below sea level which can cause an increase in salt levels in groundwater so that the water cannot be used for water purposes, human consumption and agricultural needs. The main objective of this research is to implementation of RWH to fulfill clean water needs in tropical coastal area in Tanah Merah Village, Indragiri Hilir Regency, with the aim of providing clean water to coastal communities. The approach method used based on fuzzy logic (FL). The model input data includes the effective area of the house’s roof, annual rainfall, roof runoff coefficient, and water consumption based on the number of families. The BWS III Sumatera provided the rainfall data for this research, which was collected from the Keritang rainfall monitoring station during 2015 and 2021. The research findings show that FL based on household scale RWH technology is used to supply clean water in tropical coastal areas that the largest rainwater contribution for the 144 m2 house type for the number of residents in a house of four people with a tank capacity of 29 m2 is 99.45%.


adaptation; climate change; rainwater harvesting; tank capacity; tropical coastal area; fuzzy logic

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