Innovative convenience: Evaluating the design and market impact of Cdev, a web-based Malaysian Chinese food delivery platform
Vol 9, Issue 2, 2025
The article highlights Malaysia’s multicultural history, the advancement of Internet technology, and the worldwide appeal of Chinese food, all of which serve as a good basis for the project. This study focuses on Malaysian Chinese takeout systems. The research’s primary goals include developing new business options for the Chinese food sector, as well as enhancing customer happiness and efficiency of takeout systems. As a result, the project intended to create a Web-based system for managing several tasks associated with meal ordering by users. For the system development, an Object-Oriented System Development (OOSD) methodology was used, mostly with the Java programming language. Model-View-Control (MVC) framework was employed throughout development to improve system administration. Redis and HTTP session technologies were included for user login to increase system security. For database operations, MyBatis and MyBatis Plus were also employed to enhance ease and security. The system adheres to design principles and leverages technologies like ElementUI and jQuery to further fulfill this criterion to provide a user-friendly interface. The results of this study demonstrate significant improvements in the overall efficiency of the takeout process, leading to enhanced user experiences and greater customer satisfaction. In addition to streamlining operations, the system opens new avenues for the Malaysian Chinese food industry to capitalize on the growing demand for online food ordering. This research provides a solid foundation for future innovations in takeout systems and serves as a reference point for enhancing the Chinese gastronomy sector in a rapidly digitizing world.
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