Structuring and empirical validation of a creative activity chain model for innovation in sustainable infrastructure development
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024
This study constructs and empirically validates a Creative Activity Chain (CCA) structure model tailored for innovation in sustainable infrastructure development. In today’s competitive environment, fostering innovation is crucial for maintaining the relevance and effectiveness of infrastructure projects. The research underscores that a significant portion of a project’s long-term value is established during its initial concept and planning stages, highlighting the critical role of creativity in infrastructure development. The CCA model is developed through theoretical frameworks and empirical data, encompassing three key dimensions: creative subject chain, creative action chain, and creative operation chain. The model’s validity is tested with data from five large infrastructure development firms in China, involving 768 R&D staff as respondents. Rigorous statistical methods, including exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), structural equation modeling (SEM), and regression analysis, confirm the model’s robustness. The findings reveal significant positive correlations between the creative activity chain’s dimensions and the successful development of sustainable infrastructure projects. Additionally, the study examines the mediating effect of link strength within the creative activity chain, demonstrating its substantial impact on project outcomes. Implications for management include promoting diverse creative teams, systematic process management, and leveraging varied operational tools to enhance creativity in infrastructure development. This research contributes to the literature by introducing an integrated model for managing creative activities in sustainable infrastructure development, offering practical insights for improving innovation processes.
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