The concept of personality and national identity in contemporary Kazakh prose
Vol 8, Issue 12, 2024
Colonialism has had a profoundly negative impact on national consciousness. Although the Republic of Kazakhstan has gained independence, it has not yet fully overcome the adverse effects of colonialism on its national consciousness. A portion of the Kazakh people has been Russified. Meanwhile, the younger generation, raised in their native language, either lacks a deep understanding of or is gradually forgetting the foundations of national identity that date back to ancient times. During the Soviet era, communist ideology prevented the population from truly knowing their history, traditions, and beliefs. In this context, literature plays a crucial role in reviving national memory. This article examines the concept of personality in literary works and the uniqueness of national identity based on the works of several contemporary authors. The introduction provides an overview of researchers’ conclusions related to the concept of personality. The ancient origins of national identity—sacred elements, rituals, shamanism, and the mystical connections between humans, nature, and animals—as depicted in literary works are analyzed within the dynamics of the present day, alongside the fates of the characters. The desecration of sacred elements is not merely ignorance but a sign of the erasure of national memory; rituals are not just words but embody sacred concepts accumulated from centuries of the people’s experience, which are reflected in the works. Accordingly, the research article analyzes and provides examples from several literary works. In compiling conclusions about the concept of personality, the study utilized descriptive, biographical, and socio-psychological methods to describe national identity in literary works and its ancient manifestations, as well as the depiction of sacred elements and rituals.
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