Higher education integrating into the “Belt and Road” economic development and its path selection, taking Kyrgyzstan as an example

Guangyan Zhang, Wen Xiao, Djumabaeva Marina Zaripbekovna

Article ID: 8596
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024


Since its inception in 2013, “The Belt and Road Initiative” has become an important engine driving global economic growth. The initiative has not only promoted infrastructure construction in countries along the Belt and Road but also strengthened financial integration, unimpeded trade, people-to-people exchanges, and policy communication. In this context, higher education, as an important avenue for talent training and scientific and technological innovation, is of great significance to promoting the economic and social development of countries along the Belt and Road. By strengthening academic cooperation with Chinese universities, Kyrgyzstan can enhance its curriculum, adopt advanced teaching methods, and integrate cutting-edge research to foster more skilled labor. In addition, innovation and technology transfer through higher education partnerships can drive sustainable economic growth and diversification. This paper explores the strategic path of integrating higher education into the Belt and Road. Initiative, focusing on academic collaboration, enhancing R&D capabilities, and fostering an entrepreneurial ecosystem.


higher education; the Belt and Road; Kyrgyzstan

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i10.8596


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