Exploring the impact of generative AI technologies on education: Academic expert perspectives, trends, and implications for sustainable development goals

Ibrahim Alshamsi, Kaneez Fatima Sadriwala, Fouad Jameel Ibrahim Alazzawi, Boumedyen Shannaq

Article ID: 8532
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

VIEWS - 67 (Abstract) 41 (PDF)


This study provides empirical data on the impact of generative AI in education, with special emphasis on sustainable development goals (SDGs). By conducting a thorough analysis of the relationship between generative AI technologies and educational outcomes, this research fills a critical gap in the literature. The insights offered are valuable for policymakers seeking to leverage new educational technologies to support sustainable development. Using Smart-PLS4, five hypotheses derived from the research questions were tested based on data collected from an E-Questionnaire distributed to academic faculty members and education managers. Of the 311 valid responses, the measurement model assessment confirmed the validity and reliability of the data, while the structural model assessment validated the hypotheses. The study’s findings reveal that New Approaches to Learning Outcome Assessment (NALOA) significantly contribute to achieving SDGs, with a path coefficient of 0.477 (p < 0.001). Similarly, the Use of Generative AI Technologies (UGAIT) has a notable positive impact on SDGs, with a value of 0.221 (p < 0.001). A Paradigm Shift in Education and Educational Process Organization (PSEPQ) also demonstrates a significant, though smaller, effect on SDGs with a coefficient of 0.142 (p = 0.008). However, the Opportunities and Risks of Generative AI in Education (ORGIE) study did not find statistically significant evidence of an impact on SDGs (p = 0.390). These findings highlight the potential opportunities and challenges of using generative AI technologies in education and underscore their key role in advancing sustainable development goals. The study also offers a strategic roadmap for educational institutions, particularly in Oman to harness AI technology in support of sustainable development objectives.


generative AI; smart education; sustainable development goals; educational systems

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i11.8532


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