Current legal framework of economic concentration control in the retail sector in Vietnam

Nguyen Ngoc Son, Chau Bao Anh, Vu Anh Duc

Article ID: 8524
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024


In the context of Vietnam’s extensive international integration, economic concentration emerges as a pivotal strategy employed by businesses across various sectors, notably the retail industry, to foster expansion and bolster competitiveness within the market. As this trend evolves, it necessitates the formulation by the Vietnamese Government of a comprehensive and stringent legal framework tailored to regulate economic concentration among enterprises. Such measures are imperative to preclude the curtailment of market competition, which could potentially undermine the equity and vitality of the business environment in Vietnam. This paper meticulously examines and elucidates theoretical nuances surrounding economic concentration in the retail sector. Additionally, it scrutinizes the current landscape, assessing the impact of extant legislation governing economic concentration and the efficacy of enforcement activities in this realm within the Vietnamese retail sector. Consequently, the paper proffers judicious recommendations to enhance the efficacy of legal mechanisms governing economic concentration to foster competition and fortify Vietnam’s overall economic prowess, particularly within the retail sector.


economic concentration; competition law; Vietnam competition law 2018; anti-competitive impact; retail industry

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