Impact of user experience on user loyalty in generative artificial intelligence: A case study of ChatGPT

Joo-Eon Jeon

Article ID: 8516
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024


This study aims to examine the pathways through which the user experience (UX) of ChatGPT, a representative of generative artificial intelligence, affects user loyalty. Additionally, it seeks to verify whether ChatGPT’s UX varies according to a user’s need for cognition (NFC). This research proposed and examined how ChatGPT’ UX affect user engagement and loyalty and used mediation analysis using PROCESS Macro Model 6 to test the impact of UX on web-based ChatGPT loyalty. Data were collected by an online marketing research company. 200 respondents were selected from a panel of individuals who had used ChatGPT within the previous month. Prior to the survey, the study objective was explained to the respondents, who were instructed to answer questions based on their experiences with ChatGPT during the previous month. The usefulness of ChatGPT was found to have a significant impact on interactivity, engagement, and intention to reuse. Second, it was revealed that evaluations of ChatGPT may vary according to users’ cognitive needs. Users with a high NFC, who seek to solve complex problems and pursue new experiences, perceived ChatGPT’s usefulness, interactivity, engagement, and reuse intentions more positively than those with a lower NFC. These results have several academic implications. First, this study validated the role of the UX in ChatGPT. Second, it validated the role of users’ need for cognition levels in their experience with ChatGPT.


generative AI; ChatGPT; user experience; engagement; need for cognition

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