Advancing academic standards: Management model for national reputable scientific writing training for lecturers

Humiras Betty Marlina Sihombing, Nathanael Sitanggang, Nasrun Nasrun

Article ID: 8510
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024


The root of the problem in this research is the fact that scientific writing with a national reputation is still low and the publication of scientific writing with a national reputation is also low, thus affecting the quality of lecturers at the University. To overcome this problem, this research developed a training management model that can improve the scientific writing skills of lecturers and familiarize lecturers to actively conduct nationally reputable scientific writing. The training management model in question is called the “National Reputable Scientific Writing Training Management” model. This type of research is development research or R&D to produce a valid, practical, and effective model, as well as all devices and research instruments related to the application of the model at the University. The results showed that: (1) the National Reputable Scientific Writing Training Management model is suitable for improving the scientific writing ability of lecturers; (2) the output of the National Reputable Scientific Writing Training Management model in the model group is significantly higher than the initial group (pre-model); (3) The average value of IP/IO from experts is 4.4 with a high category, from observers at stage I test is 4.0 with a high category, at stage II test is 4.7 with a high category and stage III test is 4.77 with a high category, so it is concluded that the National Reputable Scientific Writing Training Management model meets the criteria of effectiveness, practicality and implementation; (4) The response of university managers and respondents to the implementation of the model is quite satisfactory, both regarding the concept of the model, the application in technical implementation and their perception of the National Reputable Scientific Writing Training Management model; and (5) the National Reputable Scientific Writing Training Management model can be developed as an alternative implementation in training management at the university.


training management model; national reputable scientific writing; lecturer quality

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