The effect of digital leadership in nurturing teachers’ innovation skills for sustainable technology integration mediated by professional learning communities

Rasdiana Rasdiana, Tami Nurhadi, Muh. Ilham Akbar B., Fitrah Amalia Salim, Anindita Trinura Novitasari, Restu Nur Cholidah, Kasihadi Susanto, Siti Ma’rifatin, Nining Sahara H. A. Rawe, Cindy Annike Chrisan Paranoan, Rody Putra Sartika, Maria Dewiyulianti Pida Kadju, Laila Badriyatul Habibah

Article ID: 8480
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024

VIEWS - 635 (Abstract)


This study aimed to examine the impact of digital leadership among school principals and evaluate the mediating effect of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) on enhancing teachers’ innovation skills for sustainable technology integration, both in traditional classroom settings and e-learning environments. Employing a quantitative approach with a regression design model, Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) and Partial Least Squares (PLS-SEM) were utilized in this research. A total of 257 teachers from 7 excellent senior high schools in Makassar city participated in the study, responding to the questionnaires administered. The study findings indicate that while principal digital leadership does not directly influence teachers’ innovation skills in technology integration, it directly impacts Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). Moreover, PLCs themselves have a significant influence on teachers’ innovation skills in technology integration. The structural model presented in this study illustrates a noteworthy impact of principal digital leadership on teachers’ innovation skills for technology integration through Professional Learning Communities (PLCs), with a coefficient value of 47.4%. Principal digital leadership is crucial in enhancing teachers’ innovation skills for sustainable technology integration, primarily by leveraging Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). As a result, principals must prioritize the creation of supportive learning environments and implement programs to foster teachers’ proficiency for sustainable technology integration. Additionally, teachers are encouraged to concentrate on communication, collaboration, and relationship-building with colleagues to exchange insights, address challenges, and devise solutions for integrating technology, thereby contributing to sustained school improvement efforts. Finally, this research provides insights for school leaders, policymakers, and educators, emphasizing the need to leverage PLCs to enhance teaching practices and student outcomes, particularly in sustainable technology integration.


digital leadership; digital skills; digital innovation; PLCs; teachers’ technology integration

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