Achieving sustainable development goals through ecological sanitation in the Philippines

Geoffrey Rhoel C. Cruz

Article ID: 8396
Vol 9, Issue 2, 2025


This study aims to assess the current state of toilet use in the Philippines as well as present the perspectives of ecological sanitation as a viable alternative to the use of conventional toilet in addressing the issue of environmental sustainability to contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 6: Water and Sanitation for all by 2030. Four identified ecological sanitation projects were pilot tested in certain localities in the Philippines such as the Tingloy Island in Batangas City, the City of San Fernando, La Union, in Cagayan De Oro, Misamis Oriental, and in Mulanay, Quezon Province. The findings of the feasibility study showed that people would be willing out to try a new technology like the ecosan toilet if the perceive benefit like solutions to lack of water supply and improve agricultural productions dispels community hesitations. Moreover, this study concludes that ecological sanitation aligns with environmental sustainability objectives. It manages to address the urgent need for effective sanitation solutions in the face of rapid development and consumption.


ecological sanitation; sustainable development; wastewater management; urban development; closing the loop

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