Prohibition of public employees from practicing commercial activities in the legislation of the United Arab Emirates and the French Republic: A comparative study

Mustafa Alnujaifi, Noaman Atallah Alheety, Mohammad Noaman Atallah, Khalid Mohamed Dganni, Muayad Ahmad Obeidat, Buti Obaid Saeed AlFalahi, Imane Lamdjad

Article ID: 8391
Vol 8, Issue 11, 2024

VIEWS - 0 (Abstract) 0 (PDF)


Practicing commercial activities as a public employee is a major negative phenomenon that affects the public interest, institutions, and employers, and affects economic development. Both the economy and society as a whole have significant effects on countries throughout all sectors. The study aimed to identify legislation restricting commercial activity by public sector workers in the United Arab Emirates and France. This research was based on the comparative descriptive approach between UAE legislation and French comparative legislation in the field of prohibiting public servants from engaging in business activities. The research concluded with a variety of findings, the most notable of which is the fact that the UAE legislature was flexible in dealing with this issue, making it simpler for employees to conduct businesses by reducing the load of life troubles on public employees. The study recommended the Establishing procedures, systems and rules for reporting to the competent authorities by public employees about acts of practicing commercial activities, when these acts come to their knowledge during the performance of their duties.


public employee; law legislation; commercial activities; United Arab Emirates; France

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Copyright (c) 2024 Mustafa Alnujaifi, Noaman Atallah Alheety, Mohammad Noaman Atallah, Khalid Mohamed Dganni, Muayad Ahmad Obeidat, Buti Obaid Saeed AlFalahi, Imane Lamdjad

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