Harmonizing tourism growth with environmental stewardship: The impact of institutional quality

Huijun Hao

Article ID: 8379
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


This study investigates the impact of tourism and institutional quality on environmental preservation, utilizing principal component analysis to generate three composite indices of environmental sustainability for 134 countries from 2002 to 2020. The results reveal that environmental sustainability indices have generally improved in lower- and middle-income nations but have declined in certain high-income countries. The findings also underscore the critical role of institutional quality—particularly regulatory standards, government effectiveness, anti-corruption efforts, and adherence to legal frameworks—in promoting environmental sustainability. However, the study shows that both domestic and international tourism expenditures can have adverse effects on environmental sustainability. Notably, these negative effects are exacerbated in countries with well-developed institutions, which is an unexpected outcome. This highlights the need for careful, thoughtful policymaking to ensure that the tourism sector supports sustainable development, rather than undermining environmental objectives.


environmental sustainability; institutional quality; tourism; principal component analysis; policy-setting

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd8379


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