Daily pro-environment behavior in a Pakistani sample: Self and collective efficacy, individual and social norms and environmental concerns
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024
The aim of this study was to analyze the perceived self and collective efficacy, individual and social norms and feelings related to environmental health concern among a sample of Pakistanis who are (or are not) engage in pro- environment behaviors in their daily lives. An ad hoc questionnaire with scales on pro-environmental behavior, self and collective efficacy, individual and social norms, and environmental health concerns was administered to adults in Lahore, Pakistan, and 833 respondents (62% males and 38% females) responded. Analysis of our research data shows that among those who engaged in daily pro-environmental behaviors, perceptions of individual and social norms and individual and collective efficacy were positively associated with concern for the environment and health. This study offers some interesting ideas that could be useful in developing federal, regional, local and community policies to promote daily pro-environmental behaviors. For example, in addition to advocating for environmental health and reducing one’s ecological footprint, social communication could explain that caring about environmental health (and thus adopting daily pro-environmental behaviors) is a way to manage one’s mental health. In this way, circular behavior is encouraged, which not only benefits the environment and the community, but also brings personal benefits.
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