Article driving forward: Exploring internationalization and innovation in urban road passenger transport—A case study analysis
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024
The process of internationalization and innovation (IPI) in the urban road passenger transport (URPT) sector is driven by the need to provide cities with efficient and sustainable mobility solutions. The objective of this study is to understand the perceptions of URPT employees in relation to PII, based on a comprehensive case study. By exploring how these two concepts interrelate and influence each other, the study seeks to provide valuable information that can help improve strategic planning and policy formulation in the urban transport sector. The research, based on semi-structured interviews with 20 employees, reveals significant gaps in internal communication, with only about half of the participants aware of ongoing national and international projects. Information was often limited to those directly involved, indicating a need for improved dissemination strategies. Despite these communication issues, employees positively view the company’s presence at international events and recognize the importance of involvement in European organizations, particularly for knowledge acquisition and networking. Challenges identified include inadequate internal communication and insufficient investment in international projects. However, there was strong agreement on the value of internationalization and innovation process (IIP) for both professional development and organizational growth. To enhance the company’s international presence and return on investment (ROI), the study recommends better coordination, improved information sharing, and strategic planning. These findings emphasize the critical role of effective communication and active participation in international initiatives for the sustainable growth of the organization.
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