Inclusivity in the sustainability of micro and small enterprises based on digital technology: A case study in central Java, Indonesia
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024
The covid-19 pandemic has adversely affected the sustainability of micro and small enterprises (MSEs), with a particularly pronounced impact in Central Java. Entrepreneurs who struggle to adapt to reduced consumer purchasing power and the increasing reliance on digital technology are at heightened risk of business closure. Despite these challenges, inclusivity remains a crucial element for MSEs in fostering local economic development. Accordingly, this study seeks to examine the role of inclusivity in the sustainability of MSEs that are based on digital technology. Data were collected through the use of questionnaires and focus group discussions. Respondents were digital-based MSEs entrepreneurs from five selected regions, with Central Java having the largest number of digital media users. Key informants included experts from Diponegoro University, the International Council of Small Business (ICSB), the Department of Cooperatives and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises at the provincial and district levels, and non-governmental organizations. The collected data was analyzed using the Rapid Appraisal for Micro and Small Enterprises (Rap-MSE’s) method. To assess the sustainability status, the study utilized several dimensions, including economic, environmental, social, institutional, technological, and inclusivity factors. Both multidimensional and individual analyses indicated that the sustainability status was relatively robust. MSEs that integrated digital technology into their operations were able to withstand the challenges posed by covid-19 and adapt to the new normal. In conclusion, the inclusivity dimension in the adoption of digital technology has gained increased importance in driving local economic development.
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