Air cargo transport and economic development in emerging economies: A case study of Brazil with panel data analysis

Rafel Caixeta, Elton Fernandes, Manoela Cabo, Vicente Aprigliano Fernandes, Carla F. de Mello Carvalho, Rodrigo V. Ventura

Article ID: 8296
Vol 8, Issue 12, 2024

VIEWS - 37 (Abstract) 24 (PDF)


Air cargo transportation accounts for less than 1% of the global trade volume, yet it represents approximately 35% of the total value of goods transported, highlighting its strategic importance in trade and economic development. This study investigates the relationship between domestic air cargo transport in Brazil and key macroeconomic variables, focusing on how regional economic dynamism, logistical infrastructure, and population density impact the country’s development. Using a panel data regression model covering the period from 2000 to 2020, the study analyzes the evolution of air cargo transportation and its role in redistributing economic growth across Brazil’s regions. The findings emphasize the key factors influencing the air cargo sector and demonstrate how these factors can be leveraged to optimize public policies and business strategies. This research provides valuable insights into the relevance of air cargo transportation for regional and national development, particularly in emerging economies like Brazil, offering guidance for the formulation of strategies that promote balanced economic growth across regions.


air cargo; macroeconomics; economic development; regional disparities; Brazil

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