Effect of water physico-chemical parameters on the development of Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae in endemic areas

Ashari Rasjid, Syamsuddin Suaebu, Budirman Budirman

Article ID: 8266
Vol 8, Issue 12, 2024


Water physico-chemical parameters, such as pH and salinity, play an important role in the larval development of Aedes aegypti, the primary vector of dengue fever. although the role of these two factors is known, the interaction between pH and salinity in various aquatic habitats is still not fully understood, especially in the context of endemic areas. this study explored how the interaction between pH and salinity affects the development of Aedes aegypti larvae in dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) endemic areas. this study used a pure experimental design with a posttest-only control group approach. Aedes aegypti instar iv larvae were obtained from eggs collected in north kolaka regency, a dhf endemic area. the independent variables tested were pH (6 and 8) and salinity (0.4 gr/L and 0.6 gr/L), with the control group using pH 7 and no salinity. a two-way anova test was used to evaluate the interaction between pH and salinity, followed by tukey’s hsd post-hoc test to compare treatment groups. the results showed that, independently, pH and salinity had no significant effect on larval survival. however, the interaction between the two variables had a significant effect (p < 0.001). the combination of pH 8 and salinity 0.4 gr/L resulted in the highest survival rate, while pH 6 and salinity 0.6 gr/L caused a significant decrease in larval survival. the combination of alkaline pH (pH 8) and low salinity (0.4 gr/L) is the optimal condition for Aedes aegypti larval survival. the results of this study highlight the importance of considering the interaction between pH and salinity in environmental-based vector control strategies in endemic areas. further research is needed to explore other factors, such as aquatic microbiota and environmental variations, that may affect mosquito larval development.


physico-chemical parameters; Aedes aegypti; larval development; endemic areas

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i12.8266


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