Navigating Ghana’s monetary policy evolution and the potential of central bank digital currencies

Lóránt Dénes Dávid, Sewornu Kobla Afadzinu

Article ID: 8236
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024


This study investigates the evolution of monetary policy in Ghana and explores the potential of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), specifically the e-Cedi, as a tool to enhance financial inclusion and modernize the country’s financial system. Ghana’s monetary policy framework has undergone significant transformations since the establishment of the Bank of Ghana in 1957, with notable achievements in stabilizing the economy and managing inflation. However, large segments of the population, particularly in rural areas, remain unbanked or underbanked, highlighting the limitations of traditional monetary tools. The introduction of the e-Cedi presents an opportunity to bridge these gaps by providing secure, efficient, and accessible financial services to underserved communities. The study employs a qualitative research design, integrating historical analysis, case studies, and thematic analysis to assess the potential benefits and challenges of CBDCs in Ghana. Key findings indicate that while the e-Cedi could significantly enhance financial inclusion, challenges related to technological infrastructure, cybersecurity, and public trust must be addressed. The study concludes that a balanced approach, which prioritizes digital infrastructure development, strong cybersecurity measures, and collaboration with financial institutions, is essential for maximizing the potential of CBDCs in Ghana. Recommendations for future research include a deeper exploration of the impact of CBDCs on financial stability and further analysis of rural adoption barriers.


central bank digital currencies; digital economy; economic development; Ghana; financial inclusion

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