Handling security and terrorism issues in developing the tourism sector through ecotourism policies on small islands in Makassar City, Indonesia
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024
One of Indonesia’s main characteristics of tourism development is maritime tourism, which is synonymous with archipelagic countries. The diversity of maritime tourism offered by Indonesia will never end, so it needs to be considered more carefully and used relevantly to create sustainable tourism in Indonesia that provides broad benefits for the country. Many maritime tourism locations in Indonesia are beautiful but require more active promotion. The level of security and terrorism issues are a requirement that the government must consider. The novelty of this research describes the potential ecotourism development in the town of Makassar that stakeholders should consider in the formation of tourism policy. The research locations are in Makassar City, Samalona Island, Langkai Island, and Lanjukang Island. Ecotourism developed in the coastal areas of Makassar City, especially in Samalona, Lanjukang, and Langkai Islands, produces superior objects that collaborate elements of nature and society as the main attraction in the long term. Therefore, local governments need to strengthen monitoring of regional geopolitical developments in order to avoid security and terrorism problems that might cause inconvenience to tourists.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd8234
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