Nyalamaq Dilauq tradition: A cultural policy for promoting social integration and cohesion in coastal communities

I. Made Suyasa, Muhammad Azizurrohman

Article ID: 8203
Vol 8, Issue 8, 2024


This study explores the Nyalamaq Dilauq tradition in Tanjung Luar, South Lombok, examining its role as a cultural policy for promoting social integration and cohesion in coastal communities. The Nyalamaq Dilauq tradition, deeply embedded in the lives of Tanjung Luar residents, serves as a powerful mechanism for fostering a harmonious and united community despite ethnic and cultural diversity. Through a qualitative approach involving interviews, participatory observations, and documentation, the research delves into the historical context, rituals, and ceremonies of the tradition, highlighting its significance in building social bonds and mutual respect among diverse ethnic groups. The findings reveal that the Nyalamaq Dilauq tradition enhances community resilience, supports economic interdependence, and attracts tourism, thereby contributing to the overall well-being of the coastal communities. This study provides valuable insights into the potential of cultural traditions to serve as models for social integration in other multicultural and multi-ethnic contexts.


Nyalamaq Dilauq; social integration; cultural tradition; coastal communities; Lombok

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i8.8203


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