SWOT analysis and teaching strategy of aerobics in college physical education classroom

Wang Yang, Zainal Abidin B. Zainuddin

Article ID: 8195
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024



This study delves into the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of aerobics through SWOT analysis. Aerobics offers a comprehensive workout, enhancing students’ physical fitness and promoting overall well-being. Nevertheless, challenges include a lack of awareness among students and potential issues such as insufficient sports skills. Opportunities arise in college physical education courses, serving as an excellent platform for fostering students’ holistic development. However, aerobics faces threats in teaching, such as time constraints and varying student interests. Addressing the actual teaching scenario, corresponding strategies are proposed. Firstly, there is a need to strengthen the promotion and education of aerobics. Secondly, employing a hierarchical, step-by-step teaching approach can elevate students’ motor skills. Additionally, designing engaging and challenging aerobics courses aligned with the characteristics of college physical education helps ignite students’ enthusiasm. Lastly, teachers should flexibly adjust content and methods to ensure effective calisthenics teaching. Through SWOT analysis and the discussion of teaching strategies, this paper aims to offer valuable insights for the aerobics teaching in college physical education classrooms. The goal is to promote students’ all-round development and enhance the overall quality of physical education.


college sports; aerobics; SWOT; teaching strategy

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd8195


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