A systematic review of information literacy models in Yunnan province’s physical education faculty

Xingmei Yang, Zhenxin Nie

Article ID: 8131
Vol 8, Issue 9, 2024

VIEWS - 730 (Abstract)


This research aimed to explore the concerning characteristics of information literacy in the physical education faculty of higher education institutions in Yunnan Province. This study provides a systematic meta-analysis of 33 peer-reviewed papers from 2019 to 2023. It discusses that information literacy includes basic research skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving, which include their application in the learning process. The paper describes some approaches that can be used to implement information literacy into teaching and learning, including courses with learning objectives, learner-centered approaches, and institutional support. The study also explored technology and its relation to adopting competencies for the growing technologies’ evolution within the region’s education sector. In addition, the following factors could have enhanced the process: time constraints, differences in discipline, and variations in the usage of information technology. The results indicate the need for context-specific professional learning and policy intervention to facilitate the practice of physical education faculty in Yunnan. The information collected here serves as the framework for effective regional policies regarding education, curriculum, and teacher training, among other related aspects.


information literacy; physical education; colleges; universities; Yunnan province

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i9.8131


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