Organizational silence in private small and medium enterprises in Malaysia

Yuen Yee Yen, Tan Jyh Yeong

Article ID: 8084
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


Currently, there is little study on managing organizational silence in Malaysia post COVID-19 pandemic. This study aims to examine the determinants of organizational silence and the impacts of silence on private sectors and employees. The target respondents are two hundred individuals above 21 years old working in private sectors across Malaysia. Purposive sampling is selected for this study because the target respondents must be individuals working in private sectors across Malaysia. The strongest predictor of organizational silence is the attitudes of immediate superior, followed by attitudes of top management and communication opportunities. This study provides valuable information to the employees and management in the private sector to recognize the behaviors that will create silence within the organization.


organizational silence; attitudes of superior and top management; private sector; communication opportunities

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