E-commerce applications: A study of customers’ behavioral intentions and behaviors of using these applications towards online shopping

Thi Thuy Nguyen, Linh Thi Thuy Nguyen

Article ID: 8032
Vol 8, Issue 10, 2024

VIEWS - 7 (Abstract) 1 (PDF)


This study uses the UTAUT2 (Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology) model as well as adding other factors such as Platform Usability, User Autonomy to determine the behavioral intention and behavior of online shoppers using e-commerce applications (ECAs) in Vietnam. Using the analysis results from structural equation modeling, it was shown that Social Influence, Use Proficiency, Hedonic Motivation, User Skill, Effort Expectancy positively affect Behavioral Intention. At the same time, Behavioral Intention is negatively affected by Performance Expectancy. Behavioral Intention and Facilitating Conditions are two factors that positively affect Use Behavior. Besides, User Autonomy negatively affects Use Behavior. The research results are an important basis for ECAs providers, managers and stakeholders to apply in assessing the behavioral intentions and behaviors of online shopping customers using ECAs in Vietnam to promote the use of ECAs in online shopping.


behavioral intention; e-commerce; use behavior; UTAUT2

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd.v8i10.8032


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